And So it Begins – 2024

I’ve been quiet on the blog since October, and now we are moving into another new year. That means a lot of you may be making new year’s resolutions. I tend to do that as well, though this year my nibling Lynnie posted about making silly or fun resolutions. I think that is a very good idea.

So my silly/fun resolutions for 2024 are:

Wear more sparkles. I love sparkly stuff. Glitter gets everywhere, so I am always looking for ways to have sparkle without spreading glitter from one end of the house to another. I ordered some fun sparkly hair barrettes and headbands today and I’m going to be wearing them every week. I’m also on the hunt for some sparkly fabrics (that don’t glitter bomb my house) to make some tops and accessories to use everyday.

This is my affiliate link to purchase the headbands, if you use it you support me without it costing you anything extra.

Watch funny movies every week. Everyone needs to laugh, so I’m letting myself do that regularly. It’s easy to get bogged down in all the serious stuff happening in the world and I’ll still care and act on that. But at least once a week I will renew my soul by watching something that makes me take a lighter look at life.

Read in my hammock chair every week. During the pandemic shutdown I got this awesome hammock chair and it was a great comfort to me. Not sure of the physiology of why it comforts me so much, but hanging out in it for an hour or two definitely calms and comforts me. I haven’t used it as much the past year or so, and I want to change that. I even have a big stand for it so I can use it indoors when the weather isn’t conducive to being outdoors.

I hope you can set some silly or fun resolutions for yourself as well. Wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year.